Dental implants replace missing teeth and are used as an alternative to bridges or dentures.

One of their main benefits over ordinary bridges and dentures is their secure fit: they won’t slip or shift in your mouth when you’re talking or eating.

A dental implant is an artificial tooth made of titanium metal that’s used to replace a natural tooth. It connects to the jawbone and provides an anchor for an artificial replacement tooth. To get implants, you need to have both adequate bone density and healthy gums. The first step for people considering implants is a consultation with their dentist to ensure that they’re good candidates for the procedure.

What does dental implant surgery involve?

During the initial surgery, the dentist drills a hole into the jawbone and inserts a titanium screw, which acts as the root of the artificial tooth. After the gum heals over the implant, a second procedure is needed to attach the artificial tooth.

What to expect following dental implant surgery

Here are the answers to common questions patients have about post-op care after the initial surgery:

1. How long does swelling and/or bleeding last?

Swelling is common following your treatment and usually reaches its peak two to three days on. It can be reduced using ice packs. You may also experience minor bleeding for several hours immediately following the surgery, which can be attended to with damp gauze.

2. Will I be in pain?

Typically pain isn’t a large problem. Some soreness in your mouth, however, is normal after any oral surgery. This shouldn’t last for more than a few days and can be managed with anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen or Motrin.

3. What can I eat and drink after the surgery?

While the mouth is still numb, patients should avoid hot liquids and foods, but can have applesauce, pudding or jello. Once the numbness is gone, patients can have solid foods again, but should take care to chew away from the surgical site for as long as it remains sensitive.

4. Can I drink alcohol or smoke after the surgery?

You can’t drink alcohol in the first 72 hours after the surgery. You’re advised to avoid smoking for at least five days.

5. When can I return to work?

You should rest and relax for the first 24- to 48-hour period after surgery. After this interval, you should be fine to return to work. However, consult your dentist to be sure.

6. How long do implants last?

Dental implants are designed to last a long time: upwards of 25 years when they’re well taken care of. If cleaned thoroughly and regularly, they’ll stay in good condition. Get your dentist to show you the proper cleaning procedure for dental implants. Janz Family Dental is here to answer any questions Edmonton residents have about dental implants.

If dental implant surgery is right for you, you can trust our experienced dental team to provide the best treatment. Make Janz Family Dental Clinic your go-to dentist in Edmonton. Contact us today!

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